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Age Analysis biathlon bump chart canada classic cycling Davos development devon kershaw Distance fis points freestyle giro d'italia kikkan randall kris freeman kuusamo liz stephen marit bjoergen mass start men most improved norway olympics pursuit race snapshot recap retirement retrospective season preview sochi Sprint stage race sweden tour de france tour de ski U23 USA usst wbc week in review WJC/U23 women World Cup WSC
world cup final
WC Final Classic Sprint Recap
There were loads of problems with the heat times for this race, so I only have partial data. The men’s times were totally messed up and unusable, so I’ll only have graphs for the women. Here are the women’s finalists: I actually made up a time for Visnar’s final round heat, since the live timing […]
Also tagged classic, recap, Sprint, women, World CupRace Snapshot: WCF Classic Sprint
A solid race from Andrew Newell, and a decent one for Kikkan Randall given that it’s a classic race. And that’s it for the sprint races for the year…
Also tagged city sprint, classic, men, race snapshot, Sprint, stage, women, World Cup