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Best Young Sprint Skiers: 2009-2010

This is the sprinting version of my earlier post looking at some of the best young distance skiers on the World Cup circuit last season.  The methodology here is basically the same.  I’ve set an age cutoff of 24, I’m only considering skiers who did at least four major international (i.e. WC, OWG, TDS) sprint […]

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Most Unimproved: Women’s Sprint

So far, applying my alternative sprint points measure to look at skiers with major improvements or declines between seasons has worked OK, but when we turn to female sprinters who saw a major decline things get dicey.

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Most Unimproved: Men’s Sprint

The degree to which Distributed Sprint Points sensibly pick out skiers who had large drop offs or improvements between the ’08-’09 and ’09-’10 seasons appears to be mixed.  But for the sake of symmetry, let’s look at the unhappy end of these trends. The table below shows the male skiers with the biggest drop offs […]

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Most Improved: Women’s Sprint

Continuing on from Monday’s post, we turn now to the most improved women sprinter last season. Here’s the table of the top ten most improved female sprinters on the World Cup: [table id=14] First, the familiar names (at least, familiar to me).  Korosteleva and Ingemarsdotter are both excellent sprinters who’ve been around for at least […]

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Most Improved: Men’s Sprint

Now that I’ve introduced Distributed Sprint Points (DSPs), an alternate measure of sprint race performance, we’ll go ahead and give it a trial run, warts and all.  Since DSP is decidedly still in the experimental phase, take this with a hefty grain of salt. My procedure will mostly track what I did to measure the […]

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Distributed Sprint Points

Earlier this week I introduced an idea I had for calculating a points-like measure for sprint racing that was applicable beyond the qualification round.  You can go back and review the methodology here. In this post I’d like to revisit this idea and look at how these new points look when ranking athletes.  First, I […]

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Stand Back! This Graph Is Alive!

This was just too cool for me not to put up on the site, even though I’m not completely happy with it. The data are fairly simple: add up the sprint and mountain points across all riders on a Tour de France team for each stage. So for each stage, each team gets the ordered […]

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