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Race Snapshot: IBU WC 8 Women’s Sprint

It’d be nice if we could get Sara Studebaker and Laura Spector skiing fast (and shooting well) at the same time. But maybe I’m just being picky.

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Let’s Count To Five, Shall We?

I’m a stats guy.  I love numbers and data and graphs.  I will happily admit that this tends to make me, shall we say, particular about all things quantitative.  Some people may call it being anal; I prefer to think of it as being correct. Which is why I need to take a moment to […]

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Nation Trends: ITA, FIN, GER

Now for the sprinting versions of the graphs from my previous post. First up the men: These graphs stretch back into the prehistory of sprinting, so keep that min mind. The Italian men kind of came out of the barn dominating sprinting (or whatever you want to call the “sprinting” events that existed back in […]

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Race Snapshot: IBU WC 8 Men’s Sprint

More World Cup action from my home state! Technically, I’m more from Southern Maine, and there really is a distinction, but no matter. Looks like Scott Perras had an excellent race for the Canadians! Lowell Bailey had a good, but maybe not great day.

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Battle Of The Sexes

A strange discussion has suddenly broken out over at FasterSkier in response to some comments that Marit Björgen made about how she’d like be able to race the 50km distance just like the men do. A reader  sent me a note asking if I’d specifically address this statement from the comments: Looking at the times […]

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Rybinsk: Sprint Recap

I only have the raw result this time around, so nothing fancy. Instead, we’ll just pick out some people who looked like they had some unusually good races again. There’s a lot less to say here, since it’s a lot harder to measure sprinting performance in ways that account for the strength of the field. […]

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Race Snapshot: Rybinsk Freestyle Sprint

Better late than never, I suppose. As you might expect from the Rybinsk events, a lot of people ended up doing better than they usually do. The few exceptions seemed to be John Kristian Dahl, Natalia Korosteleva and Aino-Kaisa Saarinen, although I’m not sure how close to top form Saarinen is at the moment.

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