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Career Retrospective: Kristina Smigun-Vaehi

I can’t believe I forgot about the dominant Estonian skier Kristina Smigun-Vaehi.  For individual events (distance and sprint), her stats are amazing: three Olympic medals (2 Gold), four World Championship medals and forty-nine World Cup podiums.  106 of her 161 World Cup results were top ten finishes.  She might not have as much Olympic hardware as a few of her contemporaries, but she always seemed to be in the hunt for a medal.

Of course, Smigun ran into a spot of trouble back in 2002 I believe, testing positive for steroids but was officially “cleared” by FIS when her B sample came up clean.  Needless to say, a lot of people remained suspicious, which is par for the course when doping is involved.  In any case, let’s take a look back at her career, distance races first:

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Post-WJC/U23 Development: Norway

Continuing in my series of posts (see here and here) we move on to Norway.  This presents some problems, graphically, since as you might imagine there are many, many more Norwegians who’ve skied well at WJCs or U23s.  This means that if I simply recreate the graphs following my previous examples, they will likely be virtually unreadable.

So I’m going to modify things slightly (click through for larger version): Continue reading ›

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Another Look At Skier Variability

One of my articles for looked at variability in skier performance, particularly among elite World Cup skiers.  In truth, I kind of dashed that article off in a hurry simply because Kris Freeman happened to make a comment about the topic on his blog, and have always wanted to come back to the subject. Continue reading ›

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Head-To-Head: Petter Northug vs. Marcus Hellner

Apparently this is our modern rivalry on the men’s side of things.  I suppose the Norwegians and Swedes will always find something to torment each other over, so this one is as good as any.  Obviously, this story has many chapters left to be written, but let’s take a look at how things have progressed so far…

First up is distance results: Continue reading ›

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Career Retrospective Retrospective

I thought it would be nice to collect all the cross-country skier retirement posts in one place, in case you missed some along the way.  So here they are…

Anyone famous that I’m forgetting?  Or even not so famous?

Update: Surprised no one’s mentioned Kristina Smigun-Vaehi.  I’ve left her out, haven’t I?  Easily fixed…

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Giro d’Italia: Those Who Didn’t Make It

I’m continuing to play with creating simple, annotated scalable vector graphics (SVGs) with this cycling data, as practice. It also gives me an excuse to look back at this years Giro. In this addition, we’re plotting the races of those riders who didn’t quite make it to the finish line.

First plotted by general classification rank: Continue reading ›

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Week In Review: Friday August 13th

Cue the creepy music, it’s Friday the 13th!

I talked some friends into doing their first trail running race this weekend, so I’m looking forward to a nice 20 mile run in Montana’s Bridger mountains tomorrow.  Hopefully we’ll all still be friends on Sunday…
