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{ Category Archives } World Cup

Most Improved: Sprint 2011

Continuing on from my previous posts looking at some skiers who saw a lot of improvement (or not) in distance events last season, we turn our attention to sprinting. You can refer back to those posts for a more detailed look at the methodology we’re using. Of course, with sprinting we don’t have fancy percent […]

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How Well Prepared Are World Cup Rookies? (Part 2b: Sprint)

This is the final post in a four part series on rookie performance on the World Cup.  To recap: we’re trying to quantify differences in the level of preparation among athletes from different nations upon first entering the World Cup circuit.  A “rookie skier” for our purposes is one who’s done seven or fewer races […]

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More Ranking Graphs…

Can I just say that if Google Analytics is hopelessly addictive for normal people, then for data-loving people like me it’s quite possibly the most addictive substance ever.  One thing I’ve learned with the small amount of traffic I’ve had so far is that people seem to like the athlete rankings.  At least, more than […]


How Well Prepared Are World Cup Rookies? (Part 2a: Sprint)

This is another installment in a series (see here and here for important background and setup; if you get confused read them first) where I’ve been looking at comparing performances of rookie skiers on the World Cup.  In those previous two posts I looked at distance racing, so now it’s time to turn our attention […]

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How Well Prepared Are World Cup Rookies? (Part 1b: Distance)

In a previous post, I talked about rookie skier performance on the World Cup.  You can check back there for an explanation of what I mean by a rookie skier and the specifics of how I selected which data to use.  I left off in that post with the following graph, showing rookie FIS point […]

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How Well Prepared Are World Cup Rookies? (Part 1a: Distance)

Every season a new crop of young skiers cut their teeth on the World Cup circuit.  These might be new national team members racing on the World Cup full time, or they might be Nation’s Group athletes who receive a start as part of a host nation’s extra start allotments.  Each nation likely has a […]

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