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{ Category Archives } Cross Country

Career Retrospective: Jens Arne Svartedal

Another accomplished specialist, Jens Arne Svartedal, is retiring as well. While no slouch in distance events, he had more success in sprinting. But his real specialty was classic skiing. My records show 25 WC level podium finishes for him, 7 in distance events and 18 in sprints. That includes his WSC Gold medal in the […]

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Mystery Skier: Revealed

As at least one reader correctly guessed, the skier I was referring to in my previous post was Johann Mühlegg. Probably the biggest hint there was the implication that I was talking about a skier who continued racing after ~1998-1999 and reached the podium after that time. Or in his case perhaps we should say […]

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Mystery Skier

Another episode of mystery skier!  Below I’ve graphed the seven seasons of major international distance results for a (very famous) skier in which they recorded at least one top ten result in each season, but never a podium finish. The athlete in question did race beyond 1998, but I’ve omitted those results.  (That’s a bit […]


Career Retrospective: Björn Lind

Now that it’s been essentially a decade since sprinting came to the WC scene in a big way, we’re going to start to see skiers retiring who have specialized in sprinting to increasing degrees. Lind is a good example of this trend, as I have 74 WC level sprint races and only 6 WC level […]

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A Long Slow Career

The life of a professional ski racer seems pretty attractive at times. It’s hard work, to be sure, and like any other job parts of it must be very difficult mentally. But you get to spend a ton of time outdoors, travel to all sorts of awesome locales and best of all you get to […]

Career Retrospective: Vincent Vittoz

God this guy’s been around forever, it seems. His WC results stretch back continuously to the mid-90’s. During Vittoz’s international career I’ve, graduated from high school graduated from college got a job married the Statistical Wife entered and finished graduate school, and then got a job lived in 4 different states during this time I’ve […]

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Numerical Oddities

Maybe it’s the boredom of the offseason, but I sometimes just find myself noodling around in results data looking for anything strange. One random question that occurred to me a while ago was whether anyone had managed to finish in every single place (1st, 2nd,…,30th) in the points, over the course of their WC racing. […]
