- Best Young Distance Skiers: 2009-2010 5 views
- Technique Preferences: Italy 5 views
- Erling Jevne Follow Up 2 views
- Week In Review: Friday Jan 14th 2 views
- Some Notes On Marcus Hellner 2 views
- At What Age Do Skiers Peak? 2 views
- French Men Without Vittoz 2 views
- Race Snapshot: Stockholm Classic Sprint 2 views
- Gällivare: Wrap-Up 1 view
- Is Kikkan the Gold Medal Favorite? 1 view
Age Analysis biathlon bump chart canada classic cycling Davos development devon kershaw Distance fis points freestyle giro d'italia kikkan randall kris freeman kuusamo liz stephen marit bjoergen mass start men most improved norway olympics pursuit race snapshot recap retirement retrospective season preview sochi Sprint stage race sweden tour de france tour de ski U23 USA usst wbc week in review WJC/U23 women World Cup WSC
Cross Country
Hoffman & Stephen In Seefeld
Christian Hoffmann Christopher Tassava chimed in with another request, regarding the news this week about Christian Hoffman’s 6 year suspension. Since I did post looking at who stood to gain if you removed Andrus Veerpalu from past results, he wanted to know what it would look like if we did the same thing with Christian […]
Tagged Distance, fis race, freestyle, liz stephen, noah hoffman, seefeldMen’s Biathlon & Chandra Crawford
Men’s Biathlon The US men’s biathlon team had an auspicious start to the season. Lowell Bailey in particular skied some of the best races of his life. Let’s focus on the following three North Americans (click for larger version): Obviously, the shooting statistics for this season are based on only this past weekend’s racing, so […]
Tagged biathlon, brendan green, chandra crawford, lowell bailey, men, Sprint, tim burkeDüsseldorf Roundup
Sprint Recap Thanks again to Jan over at (and FIS’s ability to not wreck them, although they tried!) we have the sprint heat times from Saturday. Starting with the women’s semifinals: Semifinal 1 was markedly faster, no? It doesn’t appear that Kikkan suffered for it, but then the Düsseldorf course is unusually short for […]
Tagged dusseldorf, kikkan randall, men, race recap, Sprint, women, World CupRace Snapshot: Düsseldorf Sprints
Go Kikkan!
Tagged dusseldorf, freestyle, race snapshot, Sprint, World CupVibeke Skofterud’s Early Season Strengths
Podcast Shenanigans So I tune into the FasterSkier podcast tonight during my run, only to hear that I’m apparently the lead topic, by way of Kikkan Randall’s strong classic sprint (and distance) results in Kuusamo. Fair enough. As fun as it would be to turn this into a full on blog war, I actually think […]
Tagged early season, vibeke skofterud